Essential Information


Check in:

After confirmation of your request and the binding reservation, you will receive a door lockcode for the house and your room. Thus you are able to check-in whether or not somebody’s here.


In the immediate vicinity of the house there are unfortunately only a few parking spaces. For loading and unloading you can stop in front of the house limited and then park the car nearby.

Bicycles can be parked in the courtyard or the barn. E-bike batteries can be charged in the barn.


Hoecks Hof is a non-smoking house. Smoking is possible in the courtyard, on the gallery or on the roof terrace.


Payment of the invoice is made in cash, via Paypal or if necessary by bank transfer in advance. Payment by credit or debit card is unfortunately not possible.

Adress of the apartment:


Boardinghouse Hoecks Hof
Bernfried Kleinsorge
Weedstraße 12
63329 Egelsbach

Fon: +49-6103-4590848
Mobil: +49-152 32 784 730